

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sadness and joy can be together

There is a middle ground that can be either happy or sad and moving from one state to another in seconds, some melodies achieve quite the same effect, our posts deal with the sadness, but in this post we will go to a very special artist that achieves the effect just mentioned.

Her acting ability and melodic sensibility rampage our senses and transport us from one state to another, make us lose between one sensation and another between a sense or the other.

Undeniably, its high artistic quality, the incredible way she puts her soul to her performances and she succeeds in wrapping and transporting us to her songs, those who came here looking for sad songs will be winners because they will receive both sadness and joy.

Our truly thanks to you Colin Mcmahon just for beeing on the universe, you are just great and amazing.

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