

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Achieve success after death

The night is dark, far and away there is a hope, I want to see now, small faces, happy every morning.

I raise my arms and claim infinite forest, faithful hugs, to receive caresses like a golden dream

Not sure how to dream ...dream in a sea of inexhaustible tenderness,
covering their sentences when they have cold, but ... wake up and crawl,into an unknown world, overwhelmed and breathless, and sometimes all this, I'm afraid.

A boy's name was written, right in the palm of your hand, but do not think you deserved, to be the only cause of joy.

Tender faces in the street life, palp hunger and play the agony, tear the bread in the throat empty,when I see children without a father on this day, ruthless agony I stopped frozen, ! deep in my life!.

This is a tribute to Eva Cassidy who achieve success after death.

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