

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Had I Known

Had I Known 
I would have loved you then.
Had I known,
I would have asked less questions...
Followed my heart a little more. 

Had I known one day you'd be gone,
and I couldn't show you anymore. 

I'd have lived each moment as if it were the last.
Remember every word... not let time go by so fast. 

But I was wrapped in my own image,
afraid to let it show,
But now I wish I loved you. 

Why couldn't I know that you would leave me,
and I'd be caught in the past. 

In the moments I could have changed,
the times that were your last. 

I would have lived a lifetime in a few short days.
Instead I have a few brief moments,
that I let my heart show. 

Memories of a love that I refused to know,
until it was almost too late. 

Then it was over, and I was all alone.
In a daze, I wonder...... 

Did you know I loved you all along?

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